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Four Reasons To Choose Us
Provide Taoyuan and Kaohsiung airport pick up service, and quick purchase to provide the fastest 10 minutes after the fast order to pick up the airport, but not all products, if this demand, please contact with the company customer service.
Foreign prepaid card can be confusing for first-time users. We have a friendly and professional team here to answer all your questions. There are various ways to reach us, including phone line, store, e-mail, Facebook, etc.
Pricy cost is often the main concern for people using phone call or data roaming abroad. AeroBile products offer you affordable solutions only 1/10 the price of other telecom providers, allowing you to enjoy care-free international mobile services.
Apart from several retail stores, AeroBile also provide efficient delivery services for your online purchase. For customers in USA, you can receive the product within 3-5 days delivered by USPS. For customers from other parts of the world, the time needed may vary depending on EMS delivery.
Praise from Our Customers
在匈牙利有一些地方訊號不是那麼穩定,但在奧地利就好很多! 熱點分享給同伴也沒問題。
第一次使用esim,在台灣安裝的時候有一些不懂的地方,Line的回復速度都滿快的而且很詳細。 到當地打開數據漫遊之後,等一下子就連通了。 從維也納到薩爾斯堡的火車上視訊會議都沒問題,很推薦! (給需要開會的人做個參考:三十分鐘的視訊會議+桌面分享,大約用了2GB)
在大阪、京都使用,大多時候順暢和穩定,有時候會突然沒網路但並不頻繁也不會持續很久 最重要的還是前一天訂,隔天在機場就能拿了,太方便